Tips for Planning a Successful Cloud Migration

Posted on March 1, 2023 | Tags: ,
Vice President of Business Development

Katheryn started her career in the tech industry at a startup, eventually moving into a position leading the technology team at an internet search firm. She brings expertise in enterprise software, strategic sales, go-to-market strategies, Saas technologies and product marketing. A supporter of the arts, Katheryn is into museums and travel, especially to Disneyland, near her home in Orange County, California.

plan for your move to the cloud

Cloud migration and modernization are critical components of digital transformation. It provides organizations with the agility, scalability, and cost-effectiveness they need to thrive in a competitive landscape.

However, making the move to the cloud can be challenging, unfortunately. Make the process as smooth as possible… have a well-defined strategy that aligns with your business goals and engages all stakeholders.

Check out some tips on cloud migration that will help you navigate the process.

Define Your Cloud Migration Strategy

planning for migration

Why?  Why do you want to migrate?  What are the outcomes you are expecting for your organization?

Take the time to document the motivations and expectations that come with a migration and modernization effort. This includes things like exiting your data center, reducing costs, and designing for greater agility.

Have a clear understanding of why you are making the move will help ensure you make the right choices along the way. Also, include your plans for growth, so there is an understanding of what you want for your systems in the future.


collaborating to move to the cloud

Involve and Align Key Stakeholders

Successful cloud migrations require buy-in from all parts of the organization. To help ensure that everyone is on the same page, you may want to create a team that is responsible for overseeing the migration.

This team should have the skills, experience, and authority to make decisions and manage the process from start to finish. This will help ensure that the process is as seamless and efficient as possible.

Plan for Your Move

The next step in planning for cloud migration and modernization is to plan for your move.

In working with our clients, this is a key step in the overall process.  Take the time to determine all the areas that will be affected and dig into the work needed to migrate. Creating this level of detail early will help determine the overall timeline for the project and identify any major obstacles or risks that might arise along the way.

Make a Business Case for Cloud Migration and Modernization

cloud planning

Once you have a clear understanding of what you need to migrate, it’s time to make a business case for migration and modernization. This includes evaluating the potential cost savings of cloud migration and comparing your total cost of ownership (TCO) for Azure with that of a comparable on-premises deployment.

And there are other costs to consider, like training your key staff with new technology.  Understanding that you will have benefits with cloud tools to get things done more efficiently and quickly.

This process will also help you gather the information needed to identify the right solution for your needs and ensure that it meets your organization’s technical and operational requirements.

Build a Holistic Cloud Migration Plan

migrate to the cloud

Build a holistic plan that accounts for workload priorities, timelines, milestones, resources, and funding. This plan should break down your overall migration and modernization strategy into smaller projects, each with a group of related workloads.

In planning for our clients, we also make sure that the plan is easy to understand and may have a different message depending on the audience.  It’s important that everyone knows the plan and is on board and working together to achieve your goals.

Get Started!

Planning for cloud migration is important.  It will ensure you are achieving your goals, your organization is prepared and excited for the modernization, and give peace of mind.

Check out Artic’s migration assessment and how we can help.  Artic will work with your team to assess the time, effort, and migration costs, while also providing details on possible cost savings and how to optimize your cloud usage.

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