Vice President of Business Development

Katheryn started her career in the tech industry at a startup, eventually moving into a position leading the technology team at an internet search firm. She brings expertise in enterprise software, strategic sales, go-to-market strategies, Saas technologies and product marketing. A supporter of the arts, Katheryn is into museums and travel, especially to Disneyland, near her home in Orange County, California.

Going Global

Being part of a global economy has become extremely important and popular lately. Going global with business is essential for growth and innovation. It’s been exciting at Artic to have clients around the globe as well as our team. Whether it be watching the sunrise to meet with a client in France, or interacting with our teams around the world, going global with business has been rewarding here at Artic. There are multiple ways to globalize your organization, including physical locations, new client types, and resources.

Advantages of Global Resources

Always on capabilities

Depending on where your clients and resources are, you have the capability to have your organization “always on.”  This means you can be productive 24 hours a day, if needed and have the capacity to support your clients at any time.

Larger talent pool

Greatly expand the talent pool and gain new types of resources when you look globally.  This also gives you more robust and diverse resources to really give your organization an edge against competitors.

Cost savings and efficiencies

Depending on the location, you may also get additional cost savings for resources globally.

If you’re globalizing your talent force, you may want to consider:

Strong Project Management and processes
testimonial about artic consulting

Your organization must have strong management and processes to successfully go globally and expand your business and resources.  This includes documented processes and procedures with tools that can help reinforce them.  We use automation tools to help alert users when they have tasks, or when they are needed in a workflow to more efficiently get things done.

Strong communication and collaboration

Ensure you have a strong communication and collaboration plan for your entire organization, as well as support from your team to ensure the right people have the right information at the right time.  This includes both your team as well as your clients.  Make sure they are up to speed and aware of project timelines, deliverables, and most importantly, when your team will need their time and feedback.

Detailed requirements and documentation

As with all projects, detailed requirements are vital, however they are even more important with a distributed team.  There are many tools available, we use Azure DevOps to track in detail all requirements for our projects, improve security on all assets, and ensure everyone has access to the projects we are collaborating with.  This also helps clients understand the status of the project and any deliverables that are needed from them, so they don’t cause delays or rework.

Being a global organization is highly rewarding and a great way to learn about other cultures and people, and expand your business and mindset.

Looking to Go Global? Let us know how we can help.

Reinvent your business.
Win the future.

At Artic, we absolutely love partnering with great people. Whether you want to have us jump in and help you with your business, or would like to join ours, please send us your information and we’ll get in touch.

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