Vice President of Business Development

Katheryn started her career in the tech industry at a startup, eventually moving into a position leading the technology team at an internet search firm. She brings expertise in enterprise software, strategic sales, go-to-market strategies, Saas technologies and product marketing. A supporter of the arts, Katheryn is into museums and travel, especially to Disneyland, near her home in Orange County, California.

Artic Work From Anywhere Insight

Collaboration and communication tools to be productive from anywhere on any device. 

Being a remote worker for the past year, I wanted to share some of the tools and solutions we use here at Artic, and more about how you and your organization can Work from Anywhere.

We use Microsoft Teams, to chat, share, demonstrate, conduct audio and video meetings with our resources and our clients. It’s easy-to-use, secure, and all-in-one…no need to bounce between different solutions to get to your information.

I can also chat with subsets of teams and see the thread of discussion instead of getting dozens of email forwards, reply-alls, etc. clogging inboxes. One of our clients recently asked if I could text him, as he was getting buried in emails and struggling to reply. Teams Chat channels greatly reduce the email clog and is a much more efficient way to communicate quickly, getting faster results.
Now, I usually like to meet in person when I can…and Teams is mobile friendly, and I can easily take meetings while on the road using my Android phone. Everything, including my email, documents, and Teams is integrated on my mobile device…and secure!

I share documents, decks, spreadsheets all the time with both my colleagues and clients. Using an intranet portal solution (Artic uses Microsoft SharePoint and OneDrive) greatly helps in organizing these assets and saves time on searching for what I am looking for. I also can collaborate in real time on a document with others without the issue of overwriting updates and versioning conflicts. It’s great! In the past, I have had happen with losing work.

Not only is it a bummer to redo your document or excel, it’s a waste of time and an overall frustration. I can also see in real-time when I have another person working on the same asset and can see updates as they make them. I can rollback to earlier versions quickly.

Automating repetitive processes greatly improves productivity by being more efficient, and reducing costly mistakes and errors. Artic, and our clients use Power Automate, in collaboration with other tools to make form processing and other tasks more streamlined and simple.

Having a work buddy if you are at home also helps! I prefer the fluffy kind. 😊

At Artic we internally use Microsoft products, but many organizations, and our current clients use a variety of tools and systems to get work done. We are comfortable working across systems to deliver the best productivity environment for your organization.

So, let us know how we can help…Artic Consulting can instantly mobilize a team to help your business adapt to Work From Home challenges and improve your productivity.

Stay safe and healthy!

Reinvent your business.
Win the future.

At Artic, we absolutely love partnering with great people. Whether you want to have us jump in and help you with your business, or would like to join ours, please send us your information and we’ll get in touch.

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