5 Reasons to Move to the Cloud

Posted on February 18, 2020 | Tags: ,

We are constantly on the lookout for interesting customer stories and came across this one. After viewing this content, if you feel this type of solution would be helpful to your company, then please reach out to us to start a conversation.

Microsoft Azure infographic reasons to migrate

There was a time when all it took to protect your business was an Internet firewall, PC antivirus, email filtering, and backup. Today, many small and medium-size organizations think that security is too complex in the face of emerging threats and requires staff and expertise they don’t have.

  • Smaller organizations are most vulnerable.
  • 58% of breaches occurred at small and medium-size organizations.*

It doesn’t have to be complicated. With Microsoft 365, you get all the capabilities of Office 365 Business Premium, plus advanced cybersecurity, data protection, and device management:

  • Encrypt sensitive emails
  • Block sharing of sensitive information like credit card numbers
  • Restrict copying and saving of business information
  • Enable unlimited cloud archiving

With a Cyber Security Assessment, Artic Consulting can help you evaluate your threat protection and build a business case to upgrade.

Check out this infographic, brought to you by Artic Consulting, to understand the advantages of moving to the cloud. With secure data backups, faster access to infrastructure, and streamlined scalability, you could propel your efforts in driving the mission of your nonprofit. Join the 72% of organizations using cloud-based applications!

*(Source: Verizon 2018 Data Breach Investigations Report)



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